The Education Association of Charles County (EACC) recognizes and condemns racism in any form, including institutional racism in our society and in our schools. We grieve the senseless loss of yet another life in the recent murder of George Floyd, as well as countless others. We stand in solidarity with all educators and children who are dealing with the trauma that these murders and abhorrent actions have created.
As educators, the EACC knows that many educators and students live with the possibility of losing their lives simply because of the melanin in their skin. They live with this fear every day, every moment when they step outside their homes. Each school and classroom should be an oasis where all our students feel safe. We stand together to protect our most vulnerable students from the institutional racism that taints our communities and our country.
EACC supports and will be an active partner in creating policies to eradicate institutional racism and the inequities that are inherent in our systems. We stand for equity and justice for all our educators and students.
EACC reiterates the sentiment of Cheryl Bost, Maryland State Education Association President: “No more excuses. No more denial. No more it’s not my problem.”