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Taking Leave

Review Articles 19, 20 & 21 of the EACC_CCPS_FY22 Negotiated Agreement_FINAL for more information.


1. All Unit I employees and any Unit II employees who are not twelve (12) month will be granted three (3) days of personal leave per year with pay. These aforementioned employees in the fifteenth year of continuous service or beyond will be granted four (4) days of personal leave per year with pay. Beginning with employees hired on or after July 1, 1992, years of service will be understood to be service with the Board of Education of Charles County.
2. These days will not be used the day before or the day following a holiday except in case of emergency. Personal leave will be granted upon 24 hours prior notification, with the approval of the appropriate supervisor. Such approval is to be given in the best interest of the educational program. Employees may accrue up to six (6) days of personal leave and may use up to six (6) days in any one year. The employee will provide at least two weeks’ notice to the principal (except in case of emergency) when he or she plans to use more than three consecutive personal leave days. If the ten (10) or eleven (11) month employee does not use his or her personal leave during the year, such that the balance exceeds six (6) days, any days accrued in excess of six (6) days will be credited to his or her accumulated sick leave at the beginning of the next fiscal year.
3. Retired/rehired employees will receive three (3) personal leave days at the beginning of the school year and will be governed in the taking of such leave by the provisions of the Negotiated Agreement except that Retired Rehired employees will not accrue personal leave from year to year and will not receive payment for any unused leave.

I. Religious/Ideological Observations: All certificated employees, on request, will be permitted to use two (2) sick leave days per year for religious or ideological observances. The employee will notify his or her immediate supervisor at least seventy-two (72) hours in advance of taking such leave.

Requests for Personal Leave before a holiday – the contractual restriction applies only to personal leave, not sick leave.

There is a restriction on association leave (which EACC uses to conduct Association business) that it can be in half-day increments only, but no other leave has a minimum restriction.



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